Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sleep: 10 Ways to Get a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep - are you getting enough? For some people, adequate is four to six hours. Other citizen just don't feel right with less than eight hours. citizen need more or less sleep at separate phases in their life. Women may need more or less sleep at separate phases of the month.

The simplest way to tell if you're getting adequate is by noticing every morning - do you feel rested? Do you wake up without an alarm clock and feel ready to get right out of bed and start your day?

Putting Aids

Not getting adequate sleep is one of the most direct ways that we self-sabotage our success and well-being. When we are good rested we not only feel better, but are calmer, smarter, more rational, nicer to be colse to and we look better. Why wouldn't we select to have that every day??

Sleep: 10 Ways to Get a Good Night's Sleep

1. Set the Stage - turn off the computer and television at least one hour before you'd like to fall asleep, and turn on some music that you find relaxing. Test what your stereo system will do when the recording is finished - does it Snap! or does it "wrrrr" - this will make a divergence as you're drifting off. My Cd player makes a very soft "wrrrr" noise (though I really can't remember the last time I was still awake when the Cd was over).

2. Music without words - words can provoke and direct your thoughts more than instrumental music or pure vocal sounds.

3. Music with natural "breaths" - music where the soloist takes natural pauses to breathe can help you to slow down your own breath - try flute, other wind instruments or voice (either with no words or words in a language you don't understand).

4. A good book - For bedtime reading, try to stay away from material that gets you mental about things you deal with while the day. Magazines or stories that distract you from your own life may help you to drift into sleep.

5. Imagery - If you find that your mind is racing when you are trying to sleep, photograph a viewpoint where you're traveling down a road. See your thoughts as signposts that you're passing. Join on letting them pass right by.

6. Progressive muscle relxation - fantasize that a ball of light is traveling along your body, beginning at the top of your head, going down to the tips of your toes, and then coming up again. As it passes your muscles, they fill with light and relax.

7. Take a nap - If your sleep has been interrupted or there've been sure late nights, an afternoon nap can help you catch up. Experts suggest that naps should be taken earlier in the afternoon, rather than later, and that we should keep them to 30 minutes or less. This will avoid disrupting your sleep at night.

8. Lavender Bath - Take a hot bath and add a Join of drops of lavender oil. Lavender has plainly occurring relaxing properties.

9. Chamomile Tea - Calms the nervous system and helps to promote restful sleep.

10. Take 500 mg Calcium with 250 mg Magnesium at bedtime - The calcium has a calming effect, and the magnesium works along with it.

The advice and data in this article is not meant to replace curative advice. If you imagine you have a serious sleeping qoute such as sleep apnea, or if you feel insomnia or extreme fatigue, please consult a healthcare professional.

(c) Copyright 2005, Genuine Coaching Services.

Sleep: 10 Ways to Get a Good Night's Sleep

The 40th Birthday Speech - How to Write a Good One

You've got the task of preparing a 40th birthday speech.

You want it to be a 3 tiny dazzler to mark the milestone opportunity however right now the job feels like a millstone.

Putting Aids

There are lists of things to say and equally large lists of things not to say but not a lot about how to in fact write the speech.

The 40th Birthday Speech - How to Write a Good One

And that's where having step by step shape and a 40th birthday speech sample to look at would be good.

As of now you can quit tearing out your hair. Instead grab a piece of paper and a pen. We're going to go through the steps needed for you to have a completed 40th birthday speech that you'll be proud to deliver.

Let's start by getting down to basics with a few questions first.

  • Who is your audience? Is it family? Is it family and friends? Is it a mix of family, friends and work colleagues? Are they a mix of ages?
  • What type of celebration is it? Is it a formal dinner party? Is it informal?
  • Are you the only speaker or one of several?

The tone and what you put in your speech will be guided by your answers to the questions above. Obviously you'll leave out whatever that could be misunderstood or inappropriate for your audience.

Now let's get the construction blocks of your 40th birthday speech together.

On your paper write down these 3 headings with large sufficient spaces in in the middle of for notes.

  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Middle - Main idea 1, Main idea 2, Main idea 3
  3. 3. Conclusion

Using your knowledge of the audience, the birthday someone and the occasion, begin filling in the blanks.

For instance next to 'Introduction' you might write: Hi and welcome to Bob's 40th birthday celebration. We're delighted to have you all with us.

And now move on to the next heading: Middle.
This is where you're going to put the most foremost points (main ideas) you want to make. As a birthday speech is ordinarily only 3 minutes long you've got sufficient room for three. What you select is up to you. Mostly though they're a mix of good natured fun about the birthday person, what they mean to you and perhaps a word or two of wisdom.

So your 'Middle' notes may look like this.

  • Main Idea 1: Childhood - I remember when Bob was 3 he wanted to be a fireman. He'd spend all day making siren noises and putting out imaginary fires with the garden hose.
  • Main Idea 2: Youth/Young adulthood - Collecting baseball cards, studying to skate board, getting his first real job
  • Main Idea 3: Present/Character/ hereafter - Along came Sally (wife) and children, joy, fatherhood, responsibility, promotion in job

Lastly write your notes next 'Conclusion': quote (you're going to look up some amusing or witty quotes on being 40 and weave one in here) and final toast. Example. 'Ladies and gentlemen, let's raise our glasses to Bob. May you have another happy power filled 40 years!'

Ok. This isn't a speech yet but it is an outline. To make the transition from this to a whole 40th birthday speech you are going to go back through and flesh out your notes making each idea link smoothly to the next.

The easiest way I know of doing this is to say it out loud as if you're just chatting with a friend.

I'll give you one example and then you can do the remainder for yourself.
We'll pick up

Main Idea 1. 'I remember when Bob was 3 he wanted to be a fireman. He'd spend all day making siren noises and putting out imaginary fires with the garden hose'.
What's needed is a bridge or transition to get from this idea to the next, 'collecting baseball cards, studying to skateboard and so on.

How about this? 'Fortunately for Aunty Betty's ears his next passion was quiet and neither did it leave puddles in the yard. It was baseball cards. Bob collected hundreds of them. He bartered for them, begged for them and stuck them all over his bedroom walls. Now he was Denny McLain with the roar of crowds as he stepped up to the plate cheering him on. Baseball was struck out by skateboards. Yehaa! We skated all over the city and Aunty Betty bought out the entire supply of band-aids from the supermarket...'

Now you have the idea, repeat it through all the parts of your outline.
It's foremost to say each segment outloud and experiment with links until you find the one that sounds right.

When you've complete linking say the whole speech aloud several times. Listen carefully and edit where necessary.

The process is simple. It works and that's how to write a unique 40th birthday speech you'll be pleased to deliver.

Ps Do you want to see a complete sample before you begin your own writing? You'll find links to handy pages of witty and wise birthday quotations too.

The 40th Birthday Speech Sample

The 40th Birthday Speech - How to Write a Good One